Monday, February 06, 2006

12 drawings of the prophet

The Danish liberal newspaper Jyllands-Posten commissioned 40 artists to make a drawing of the prophet Mohammed. Twelve of them rose to the challenge and their drawings were published in the newspaper in September 2005. The newspaper probably intended to challenge the tolerance of the muslim communities in Denmark, and the conventional wisdom that such drawings would create an outcry.

My newspaper did not publish the drawings of the prophet. I have supported Jyllands-Posten for printing the drawings, but criticised the extremist christian newspaper in Oslo for copying Jyllands-Posten.

But how is it possible to blame the Danish and Norwegian government and burn down the embassies in Damascus and Beirut in order to protest against twelve drawings in an independent newspaper? If you are a muslim, and feel insulted by the twelve drawings, what impression do you think burning of Danish and Norwegian flags creates of muslims in the Scandinavian public opinion? And if you demand do be respected for your religious feelings, would it not be fair to demand the same respect to work both ways?

The Norwegian and Danish governments, public opinion and media are very sympathetic to the just cause of the Palestinian people, and have been supporting their struggle in many ways for many years. How bizarre it is to see wild demonstrations in Gaza agains the best friends of the Palestinian people! A shot in your own foot, if you ask me.

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