Saturday, October 29, 2005

I have been to the Guiness headquarter

Great beer!  Posted by Picasa

A sunday excursion to Ulriken

Olav (59) and Erik (1) taking a timeout on our
climb to the holy mountain Ulriken, Bergen, Norway, October 05.
Erik is enjoying a homemade oatmeal biscuit. We Norwegians have great outdoor traditions, creating respect for nature, adding life quality and good health to the good life of a wealthy nation.Posted by Picasa

Look out for polar bears

Look out for polar bears! Eva and I have been to Svalbard, to Longearbyen and to the Russian coal mine city Barentsburg, on Norwegian territory on Svalbard! Great experience in August, but it is said to be even more exotic in the spring, around March. The polar bear follows the ice, so during the summer months it usually is hunting for seals further north.Posted by Picasa

Erik on the day he was born

A sceptical first look at the world! Posted by Picasa